Summer Walk!

Rob Wylie2023, BeachcomberFX, Sunday@thePub, Walking, Wanderer 2 Comments

UPDATE! Hi folks, I hope you are doing ok? This week we are mixing things up again… meeting at 6.15 at Tynemouth Metro to get the 6.25 metro along to Meadowell and then walk back to Tynemouth. We will be walking from the Metro station heading south for a few hundred yards and then pick up footpath which heads east through Smith’s Park and then south through the Royal Quays Water Park down to the Royal Quays Marina and Cruise Line Terminal. From Royal Quays we follow  cycle route 72 along the fish quay and up to Collingwood Monument returning to Tynemouth for a well earned bevvy.

Its about 3.5 miles taking say 1hr 45 mins. The only climbing is at the end where we have to ascend from  Fish Quay to Tynemouth village.

If you could let me know you are coming so we know who to wait for. 

Peace Rob 

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